Browse Items (35 total)

Black and white photograph of four children on a parade float pulled by a station wagon during the Kansas Centennial parade on Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of a horse drawn carriage riding on Quindaro Boulevard in the Kansas Centennial parade, Kanas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of a covered wagon on Quindaro Boulevard in the Kansas Centennial parade in Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of the Karl's Bakery float in the Kansas Centennial parade in Quindaro.

Color photograph of a Santa Claus float in the Quindaro parade in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of the Mother Butlers Cafe vintage car driving in the Quindaro parade in Kansas City, Kansas. Spectators look on.

Color photograph of Mother Butlers Cafe car in the Quindaro Parade, in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of a tropical-themed float at the Quindaro Parade in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of a car pulling a float in the parade down Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of three women dressed in Scottish attire on the Quindaro State Bank float during the Quindaro Parade.

Color photograph of three women walking in the Quindaro parade with spectators in the background.

Color photograph of a float in the Quindaro parade down Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of four women on a parade float sponsored by Mother Butlers Cafe on Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas. Homes and businesses visible in background.

Color photograph of four women on the Mother Butlers Cafe float in the Quindaro parade. Houses visible in background.

Black and white photograph of John Hoffman working at the fruit store at 1848 1/2 Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of a holiday float with Santa and his Reindeer on Quindaro Boulevard in front of Mother Butlers Cafe.

Color photograph of the Christmas window display at Mother Butlers Cafe on Quindaro Bouldevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of the kitchen at Mother Butlers Cafe, 1846 Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of booths and tables inside Mother Butlers Cafe on Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Color photograph of the interior of Mother Butlers Cafe, behind the counter. The restaurant was located at 1846 Quindaro Boulevard in Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of the counter at Mother Butler's Cafe in Kansas City, Kansas ca. 1944. The Cafe operated at 1846 Quindaro Boulevard from the 1920s to the 1960s. Pictured are Mary Rohning, Lilian Yenser, Bill Rohning, "Dutch" Rohning and…

Black and white photograph of Quindaro Boulevard after a snowstorm in January 1962. Looking west with a view of parked cars and local businesses. Caption reads "Big Snow fell 30 8/10 in. January 21th 1962"

Color postcard of Ward Hall and the Industrial Building on the campus of Western University, a historically black college in the Quindaro area of Kansas City, Kansas. Western Unviersity operated from 1865-1943.

Black and white photograph of the 1957 Quindaro Queen posing with a fire truck and firefighter during a parade in the Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of the 1957 Quindaro Queen with her attendant and unidentified man during a parade in the Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white portrait of the 1957 Quindaro Queen and her attendants.

Black and white photograph of the Quindaro Queen and attendant on a float during a parade in the Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of the Quindaro Queen and attendant during a parade in the Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of a parade in the Quindaro neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas.

Black and white photograph of the Quindaro Streetcar and two unidentified conductors.

Black and white photograph of an unidentified group of people climbing on the ruins of the Quindaro Townsite.

Black and white photograph of eight unidentified individuals standing on railroad tracks on the way to a picnic at the Quindaro Ruins, spring, 1911.

Black and white photograph of a group of nine unidentified individuals having a picnic at the Quindaro Ruins.

Black and white photo of a group of eight unidentified individuals visiting the Quindaro Ruins.

Black and white photograph of Vernon Elementary School, front and side elevations. Vernon School was originally known as the Colored School of Quindaro and was a stone building, replaced by a four-room brick structure after the turn of the century.…
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