Color photograph of Mamie Eisenhower and Harry Darby visiting with Georgia Neese Clark Gray and her husband at the Eisenhower Museum in Abilene, Kansas.
Color photograph of Mamie Doud Eisenhower and Senator Harry Darby arriving for the wreath laying ceremony at the Place of Meditation at the Eisenhower Center in Abilene, Kansas.
Color photograph of Mr. K.S. Adams, Dr. Hilton Eisenhower, Mamie Doud Eisenhower, Mrs. Harry Darby, Senator Harry Darby and Mrs. K.S. Adams after the dedication of the Eisenhower Museum in Abilene, Kansas.
Black and white photograph of workers constructing a large convex part from steel plates at the Darby Manufacturing plant in Kansas City, Kansas. Photo labeled "Exhibit U".
Black and white photograph of a railroad car produced for Indianapolis Power & Light and Peabody Coal Co. by Darby Manufacturing Corp. in Kansas City, Kansas.
Black and white photograph manufacturing steel for the Kansas City Intercity Viaduct approach for Tobin Construction Co. Interior view of the Darby Manufacturing Corp.
Black and white photograph of steel penstocks running down a mountain. Possibly part of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project, a transmountain water diversion system that spreads over approximately 250 miles in Colorado and provides supplemental water…
Black and white photograph of a 3,000 H.P industrial gas turbine at Westinghouse Elec. Corp, Aviation Gas Turbine Division. Shows weldments by the Darby Corp.
Black and white photograph of Bechtel Corp. special process vessel manufacturing at the Darby Corp. in Kansas City, Kansas. The vessel was 14'-6" x 45' long, solid stainless steel Type 316 ELC.
Black and white photograph of a special process vessel produced by the Darby Corp. loaded for transport. The vessel was produced for the Bechtel Corp. for phasphates plants and used in the burning of phosphorus. It was 14' -6" x 45' long, made from…
Black and white photograph of a caustic air scrubber produced by the Darby Corp. for Cooperative Farm Chemicals Assn. in Lawarence Kansas, loaded on the bed of a truck for tranport. Scrubber measured 4'6" x 102' amd was completed in 1954.